ryokan cat getting pet
cats, japan, photography

Ryokan Cat

Crossed paths with this little feller at a cozy ryokan in Hakone. His eyes were perpetually closed. His only desire in life was a good, long nap, but nope, we couldn’t let him. He would trudge around the front lobby, occasionally going outside through the two automatic sliding doors. Surprisingly, the doors were actually able to detect him!

He would look for a quiet spot to rest his weary eyes, but could never resist a good petting. It was always a trade-off, and he clearly valued being pet over getting sleep.

Walking the fine line between sleepwalker and zombie. Such is the life of Ryokan Cat…


Tea Culture

I had recently discovered an appreciation for traditional tea that I’d never had. Compared to coffee, which has implications of higher energy and work output, tea promotes relaxation and meditation. As a chronic daydreamer and ponderer, I think I naturally lean more toward tea culture.

Teahouse Ryokan

I relish the notion of sitting in a warm, quiet teahouse, deep in introspective thought about anything, everything, and nothing.
