jiufen cat cleans dat arm
cats, photography

Jiufen Cat

Cats are quite popular in the area of Jiufen, living on the mountainside with the people. Here you can even find a large store dedicated to all things cat, located beyond a small pink hallway off of the steep main steps. You won’t miss the ancient pictograms adorning the walls of the passage, portraying the long lost, lethal art of kitty kung fu.

This Jiufen cat was spotted sitting on a box, tending to business of the utmost importance. Skillfully blessing its fists, it was preparing them for the battle ahead. The others will pay for their misgivings; come nightfall, there would be BLOOD.

clovis the cat on the lawn
cats, photography

Clovis in the Grass

Over the years, Clovis became familiar with my car and the time I would come home from work. As I pulled up on the driveway, he’d amble across the street to greet me and receive some hearty pets. The weather was nice that day, so I went inside and grabbed my camera. Clovis was a good model, though a bit curious about what I was doing and why I wasn’t petting him. He approached the unfamiliar contraption, wiggling his nose trying to identify a scent, inspecting the large black thing in front of my face.

“Click” went the shutter.

black and white photo of a regal cat
cats, photography

Paraku Cat

This is Paraku.

She was a friend’s, wholly loved.

For her, a haiku:

So pampered she was,

The fluffy, dainty princess.

May she rest in peace.

cat resting on a scooter seat at night
cats, photography

Scooter Cat

Nearing the end of my travels in Taiwan, I spent a day relaxing in Jiufen, a place known for its winding mountainside alleyways and relaxing traditional teahouses.

At the end of the night, people were clearing the market, heading to the bus stop to catch the next ride home. On my way, I ran into Scooter Cat, who graciously accepted a few pets. It was a nice kitty, all balled up atop this scooter’s seat.

Why were you there, Scooter Cat, on that scooter! There were many other cats and many other scooters in Jiufen, but only this scooter cat on only this scooter seat. Perhaps it had an unspoken bond with its owner, an unbreakable connection that transcended barriers between species. Perhaps it was love that compelled it to keep its owner’s seat warm and comfy for the chilly morning ahead…

ryokan cat getting pet
cats, japan, photography

Ryokan Cat

Crossed paths with this little feller at a cozy ryokan in Hakone. His eyes were perpetually closed. His only desire in life was a good, long nap, but nope, we couldn’t let him. He would trudge around the front lobby, occasionally going outside through the two automatic sliding doors. Surprisingly, the doors were actually able to detect him!

He would look for a quiet spot to rest his weary eyes, but could never resist a good petting. It was always a trade-off, and he clearly valued being pet over getting sleep.

Walking the fine line between sleepwalker and zombie. Such is the life of Ryokan Cat…

roaring kitty
cats, nature, photography

Maui Cats

One popular activity while visiting Maui is driving the Road to Hana. It’s a beautiful, scenic ride around the island, with lots of notable turnouts for swimming, hiking, and general fun having. One particular stop that isn’t so well-known or popular is at the Kaumahina State Wayside rest stop, mainly used by tourists for quick pee pees or poo poos before continuing on their way. What often surprises visitors is that the rest stop is full of cats!

Continue reading

cats, kyoto, photography

Fushimi Kitty

I ran into this little fella while hiking through one of my favorite temples in Japan, thus the nickname Fushimi Kitty. Fearing that he would run off as I approached, I stopped, put down my bag, and took out my camera. As soon as I crouched for a photo, he ambled over for a pet.

fushimi kitty and red fence Continue reading

tarmac cat on Alaskan airstrip did not care about anything
alaska, cats, photography

Tarmac Cat

Of all the places a cat could live, this guy was found chillin on an airport tarmac in the bitter Alaskan cold.

This guy don’t give a crap. Look at him. He’s just brooding, pacing back and forth. He don’t care if you pet him; he don’t care if you feed him.

He just wants to sit by himself on the cold, hard runway and watch the airplanes do their thing until he dies a glorious, fiery death.

tarmac cat pacing back and forth while brooding

cats, photography

Friendly Cat

Last year, I met an awesome cat who came in from the street. He didn’t have a tag, but because he was so friendly, we named him Mr. Friendly. Super creative. Unfortunately, the name stuck before I was told that he was female. Haha oops! My bad, Mr. Friendly.

He loved coming over nightly for snacks and pets, and for some odd reason loved exploring the house. He’d inspect every nook and cranny, seeing all the sights and smelling all the smells. As soon as he got his fill of petting and snacks, he would bolt into the house in an attempt to explore the unexplored rooms. This happened on multiple occasions, to the point where we had to close all the doors in the house. Why, Mr. Friendly?! Perhaps he was a trained cat spy on some sort of reconnaissance…

One day while I was doing yard work, he stopped by and decided to take a catnap in a box of old clothes we were going to donate. Here’s his friendly, sleepy face.


After about a month, he stopped coming by. I did once see him getting harassed by a neighbor’s cat. Maybe he was ousted by that other jerk cat. I hope he’s not dead.

Take care, Mr. Friendly. May your camaraderie and goodwill inspire other cats around the world.

cats, photography

Clovis the Cat

Half a decade ago on this day, a cat was pet. His name was Clovis, and he would roll around on the ground furiously after you pet him. He’s a nice kitty :3

