cold and snowy in most of the US
alaska, dogs, photography

Still Cold

It’s late February, and Spring is just around the corner! But a large portion of the US is still in the midst of an ice cold freeze, as shown in the featured photo taken by NASA’s Terra satellite. Regardless, life hasn’t stopped. The hustle and bustle of the daily grind continue.

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snow cabin made of ice
culture, history, photography

Happy Lunar New Year!

Although it was officially on Thursday, happy lunar new year from my frozen ice cabin (with wifi, of course)! May the new year bring you luck, opportunity, and other things of general goodliness.

Chúc mừng năm mới!




[Insert other language here!]

tarmac cat on Alaskan airstrip did not care about anything
alaska, cats, photography

Tarmac Cat

Of all the places a cat could live, this guy was found chillin on an airport tarmac in the bitter Alaskan cold.

This guy don’t give a crap. Look at him. He’s just brooding, pacing back and forth. He don’t care if you pet him; he don’t care if you feed him.

He just wants to sit by himself on the cold, hard runway and watch the airplanes do their thing until he dies a glorious, fiery death.

tarmac cat pacing back and forth while brooding

alaska, photography, vacation

Alaska at a Glance

It’s practically the opposite of Hawaii in terms of where you’d want to go for vacation, but I found that Alaska can be equally as relaxing. Maybe even more so! It felt more down-to-earth than the tourist-ridden areas you’d find in Hawaii. I enjoyed the fresh, quiet air and the sweeping, snow-covered mountains.


Winter Has Come

We are in the dead of winter. It’s gloomy; it’s cold. Hope you’re all hanging tight. Especially those of you in California with some sarcastically frigid highs in the mid 70’s!

To counteract this and bring some cheer and warmth back into your day, here you go: some black and white photos from among the frozen, subarctic glaciers. Cheers.
