
That Colored Dress

The internet is all abuzz about the color of this dress!! What color is it?! Black and blue, white and gold? Check out the Buzzfeed link and find out for yourself!

This issue has started some fiercely heated debates about this fascinating article of clothing. Team White/Gold is calling for plague and famine upon the families of Team Black/Blue. May the victory go to the true seers of color, and may death swiftly come to the unfortunate blind!

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cat resting on a scooter seat at night
cats, photography

Scooter Cat

Nearing the end of my travels in Taiwan, I spent a day relaxing in Jiufen, a place known for its winding mountainside alleyways and relaxing traditional teahouses.

At the end of the night, people were clearing the market, heading to the bus stop to catch the next ride home. On my way, I ran into Scooter Cat, who graciously accepted a few pets. It was a nice kitty, all balled up atop this scooter’s seat.

Why were you there, Scooter Cat, on that scooter! There were many other cats and many other scooters in Jiufen, but only this scooter cat on only this scooter seat. Perhaps it had an unspoken bond with its owner, an unbreakable connection that transcended barriers between species. Perhaps it was love that compelled it to keep its owner’s seat warm and comfy for the chilly morning ahead…

tea set in tainan
photography, taiwan, travel

Tea in Tainan

Nothing like a good rest inside the 慢慢鳩 Dove Tail Cuisine cafe on Tainan’s historic Shennong Street. The cafe had a rustic, yet modern feel. Brick adorned the walls, accented with brightly colored ceramic displays. Wooden shelves and tables were distributed throughout, crafted from their very own woodworking shop in back.

Whether taking a break from travel or work, a relaxing stop at a local cafe always picks me up. Each cafe offers its own charm and personality to take in while I sip, sip, and sip away…

cold and snowy in most of the US
alaska, dogs, photography

Still Cold

It’s late February, and Spring is just around the corner! But a large portion of the US is still in the midst of an ice cold freeze, as shown in the featured photo taken by NASA’s Terra satellite. Regardless, life hasn’t stopped. The hustle and bustle of the daily grind continue.

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snow cabin made of ice
culture, history, photography

Happy Lunar New Year!

Although it was officially on Thursday, happy lunar new year from my frozen ice cabin (with wifi, of course)! May the new year bring you luck, opportunity, and other things of general goodliness.

Chúc mừng năm mới!




[Insert other language here!]

water droplet on green leaf
nature, photography

Nature’s Jewel

The world is beautiful. We just have to take the time to see it.

ryokan cat getting pet
cats, japan, photography

Ryokan Cat

Crossed paths with this little feller at a cozy ryokan in Hakone. His eyes were perpetually closed. His only desire in life was a good, long nap, but nope, we couldn’t let him. He would trudge around the front lobby, occasionally going outside through the two automatic sliding doors. Surprisingly, the doors were actually able to detect him!

He would look for a quiet spot to rest his weary eyes, but could never resist a good petting. It was always a trade-off, and he clearly valued being pet over getting sleep.

Walking the fine line between sleepwalker and zombie. Such is the life of Ryokan Cat…

large spider in nikko japan
japan, nature, photography

Big Big Spider

I found a big spider. Almost walked into it…

It was dark and rainy and I was returning to my guesthouse in rural Nikko, Japan. I decided to take the lesser-used rear entrance atop a dimly lit spiral staircase. Because, you know, for convenience. Little did I know, at the top of the stairs, the spider had strategically spun its web. It was high above the ground where it wouldn’t be disturbed, but close enough to the door light acting as a homing beacon for insects.

Coincidentally, what saved me was the spider’s size. Its abdomen was about as big as my big toe, large enough to catch my eye, even in the darkness. The wind’s breeze gave its web a gentle pulse, allowing me to spot its dark mass swaying in the corner of my eye. I abruptly stopped to let my brain process what exactly I was looking at in the darkness, then crouched under its giant web and continued on my way. Crisis: averted.

I came back in the morning to take a photo and watch it sit gloriously upon its silky throne. Do you know what type of spider it is?

red emoji house wide
photography, taiwan, travel

Red Temple of the South

Visiting 台灣孔廟, an old Confucian temple in Tainan. The faded, uneven colors gave it a unique sense of age and wisdom.

happiness, history, photography

Pale Blue Dot

February 14th marked the 25th anniversary of the Pale Blue Dot, one of history’s most iconic photos. It was taken by NASA’s Voyager 1 space probe approximately 6 billion kilometers away from Earth. The probe had completed its primary mission. It was exiting our solar system when Carl Sagan requested that NASA turn its camera around and take one more series of photos. Thus, the “Pale Blue Dot” came to be, one of the last photos ever taken by the Voyager 1. That bright speck, that white pixel in the sunbeam at the top of the photo, that is our home, our Earth.

pale blue dot photo of earth by voyager 1

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