clovis the cat on the lawn
cats, photography

Clovis in the Grass

Over the years, Clovis became familiar with my car and the time I would come home from work. As I pulled up on the driveway, he’d amble across the street to greet me and receive some hearty pets. The weather was nice that day, so I went inside and grabbed my camera. Clovis was a good model, though a bit curious about what I was doing and why I wasn’t petting him. He approached the unfamiliar contraption, wiggling his nose trying to identify a scent, inspecting the large black thing in front of my face.

“Click” went the shutter.

woman standing atop the rocky maui sea cliff
meditation, photography

Woman and the Sea

Sky, sea, land, and she,

Gazing toward the horizon.

A part of the world a part of her.

Together, alone. Alone, together.

japan, photography

Odaiba Day

One photo wasn’t enough to represent a proper Odaiba experience, so here are a few more of the fun things you can do and see if you’re ever there. A full day on the island should be adequate to knock the larger touristy attractions off the list — there’s plenty to do there. I’d recommend visiting on a Saturday to experience the hustle and bustle of the local culture. If that’s not your cup of tea, you can visit on a Monday morning, where it becomes a pseudo-abandoned ghost town, perfect for secluded, romantic, and potentially creepy dates.

japan, photography

Rainbow Ferris

A day trip to Odaiba Tokyo will bring you to a large, colorful ferris wheel, among several other attractions. Odaiba is a man-made island that was originally built as a strategically defensive position, but has since become a large attraction for families, teens, and romantic lovers. With a series of large shopping malls, amusement rides, arcades, and more, you can’t go wrong with a day in Odaiba!

Unless you’re antisocial and misanthropic…rainbow ferris wheel in odaiba tokyo

last of us joel cautious in front of a bus
photography, video games

The Last of Us

I’m a gamer. At least, I was before work and life took over. But I recently picked up The Last of Us and have been making my way back through it. It’s one of my favorite games, so I had to get it when the PS4 Remastered version went on sale. Got it for $16; so cheap! If you haven’t heard of it, it’s a dark, dramatic game about a zombie outbreak, similar to The Walking Dead but without all of the plot holes and character flaws. And shame on you for not having heard of this game.

One neat, new feature of the Remastered version, besides the better graphics, is the photography mode. I can pause the game at any time to take some awesome photographs. It’s the lazy man’s camera for the digital age: Couchtography! It’s especially nice when when the weather’s not particularly great and I’m too lazy to find something interesting to shoot. I can sit back, relax (as much as the zombies allow), and hone my exposure and composition skills.

black and white photo of a regal cat
cats, photography

Paraku Cat

This is Paraku.

She was a friend’s, wholly loved.

For her, a haiku:

So pampered she was,

The fluffy, dainty princess.

May she rest in peace.

vibrant purple iris flower
nature, photography

Yellow White Purple and Green

Not all colors of the rainbow are required for beauty. With only a certain few in a certain arrangement, it’s enough.

architecture, japan, photography

Himeji Abstract

As the shinkansen entered Himeji, the castle came into view. Needless to say, it stood out, a stark contrast from its old, traditional architecture to the modern urban landscape around it. The sight was surreal, something not often seen in the US. And it was a behemoth compared to Osaka’s.

According to Wikipedia, it is comprised of a network of 83 buildings with advanced defensive systems from the feudal period. First built in 1333, it was continually expanded until about 1600, where it has stood for 400 years, through numerous crises including WW2 bombings and the Kobe earthquake. It is often called Hakurojo (White Egret Castle) or Shirasagijo (White Heron Castle) for its pristine, white form, a flying bird in the backdrop of the blue sky. 

friends enjoying lunch together
communication, happiness

Voice of Appreciation

A while back, I stumbled onto an inspirational video. It’s an oldie, but a goodie, about an “experiment” that studied a particular method of spreading happiness and joy. I won’t spoil all of it, but it begins with participants writing thank you letters to loved ones and ends up with happiness and joy all around.

It’s difficult to put aside ego and dignity and express appreciation for the ones we appreciate. Maybe this video is just what we need to pick up that phone or draft a new e-mail. If not, then allow me to provide the two to my one-two punch: it’s a website called See Your Folks. It estimates how many more times you will see your parents before the pass away. It’s a stark eye-opener that you don’t realize until you see an actual number in front of you.

Life is short, but happiness goes a long way.

leaf in the sunlight
nature, photography

Spring Approach

Just around the corner! New buds budding, sprouts sprouting. Still chilly, but slowly warming up. The dormant brown is beginning to show some signs of green. Some signs of life.
